Friendship definition: A Relationship with a person of mutual trust, who will be there for you no matter what.
Friendship WOMEN:
Woman delve deep
Women need to meet up often, communicate or chat daily.
Woman run through every situation detail by detail
Women MUST meet up to do away with STRESS
Womens friends as they get older is they cannot be replaced
Womens closest friend has seen the worst, the best, the ups and the downs.
Womens close friend becomes her family the older they get
Women have ONE friend they have very much in common than many with zero
Womens best friend goes to nails, coffee for no coffee JUST to TALK
Women make JOKES, LAUGH at HUMILIATING situations with no barriers
Women BOND during PIVOTAL and TRANSITIONAL moments in LIFE.
Friendship MEN:
Men don’t need to meet up often, don’t need daily chat, messaging or catch up.
Men ONLY need ONE word to catch up.
Men talk about non-emotional stories.
Men do quick catch ups, as long catch ups can be misconstrued.
Men have many buddies, never really a CLOSE friend.
Men have THINGS, cars, boats, closer than a male friend.
Men bond more over similar addictions such as alcohol, golf, touch rugby but not tennis.
If a friend DISAPPOINT you OVER and OVER, then that is your fault.
Female friendships can be worse to each other than with their partner.
There is NO WAY a man can understand a woman.
ONLY a woman can understand a woman.
ONLY a man can LOVE a woman completely.
ONLY a woman can LOVE a man completely.
Any other combination brings incompleteness, questions, unsatisfaction, unfulfilling emptiness.
Can you count your friends can you count?
Count your REAL friends.
Facebook or virtual friends don’t count.
Count people who you constantly talk, catch up with.
True FRIENDS will always be there for you.
It is easy to be friends when everyone is 18 years old. This gets HARDER the older you get as you make different LIFE CHOICES.
Who is?
The person whom you can tell anything to?
Think back to the time when you were in a real JAM?
Think back to the time when you cried the most?
Think of the time when your heart was broken?
Think of the time when you broke up with an awful relationship?
Think of the time when you were in a big financial mess?
Think of the time when you needed a place to sleep?
Think of the time when your car broke down, middle of nowhere?
Think of the time when you messed up, felt alone, you called your friend?
Think of the time when you thought nobody would listen, understand or believe your story?
Your best friend will hate your "EX" more than you do.
A person who comes from a stable family background.
A simple, upright human being.
A person of healthy and upright moral status.
Girls coffee catch up, is always a good place for friends to talk.
You are HAPPY after you meet your friend.
If you have to really think who that person is, then the chances are that there is ONLY a few, less than three humans in your current life.
The truth is, there is ONLY one true friend.
Who is that person in tour life?
They pay attention.
They ask questions.
They ASK how you are doing?
They don’t FOCUS on themselves.
They FOCUS on you.
Friendships are like a rainbow.
You have so much of each others LIFE stories in your heart like two peas in a pod.
Friendships are developed from childhood.
Only few childhood relationships last a lifetime.
How you treat others is how you will be treated.
If you listen to understand, the friends that stay in your life, will be more like you.
No matter the time
No matter the distance
No matter the situation
A true friend is available NO MATTER what
When you can totally be yourself, you know you are with the right people.
When your friend listens to understand your story, then you know they really care.
Some come and LEAVE
Some come and GO
Few come and STAY
Many people will WALK in and OUT of your life, BUT only a REAL people who cares about you will leave a FOOT STEP.
A diamond.
For a diamond to shine, it MUST endure EXTREMES in HEAT and COOLING.
That SHINE you see is the result of PERSEVERANCE.
You are a diamond.
Friendships go through GOOD, BAD, TOUGH and TOUGHER times together.
In the end, they still stay, because they truly care about you. Not what you have or what you have lost.
There are many ways to know who is your true friend.
Friends make TIME for you.
Friends make TIME to see you in PERSON.
Friends clear their schedule for you.
In this modern world we attract the wrong friends. They are jealous of the person who you are.
Do not allow them to stop you from SHINING.
They NEED you.
You DO NOT NEED them.
Your partner completes you?
You complete your partner.
Yes, women are superior BUT, men have your missing PIECE to your PUZZLE.
A good man
A good partner
A partner has the piece of the puzzle within which a HEART that cares everything about you.
True friends spend a LIFETIME with you.
You will share so many THINGS together, except your partner.
Friends make TIME for you.
A friend is the person who brings reassurance that everything is going to be OK.
The PROBLEM free philosophy, is how a friend makes you feel.
As we get older, we decide which friendships to BUILD and which ones to LET GO.
It's not the problems that are the PROBLEM, it is HOW, with WHOM you choose in HOW you deal with them.
Your attitude to every problem , changes the outcome to everything.
Someones who cares about you, wants NOTHING from you.
They are not jealous of you.
A good friend helps you to SHINE.
A bad friend DIMS your light.
Choose your friends carefully.
Choose whom you share with carefully.
A friend is:
Always beside you
Never above you
Always behind you
Always FOR you
Always WITH you