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Greatness begins at the threshold of pain.

Are you searching

Are you checking

Are you wishing

Are you hoping

Are you simply exhausted

If you are then, know this,

"You're not done yet"

It's time to PUSH like you've never pushed before .

Words that slow you down:

It can't be done

I'll start tomorrow

I'll never make it

It is Impossible

Remaining in control is important

All you have to do is take the first step.

The journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step

Looking into the past is a greater hindrance to progress than success.

SMALL changes inside of you make big changes outside

SLOW gradual movement builds unshakeable momentum


Once you begin, stay on track, you will eventually get there

Keep moving regardless other people’s s opinions and views

Take small steps

Make your goal

Keep moving towards your goal

Keep your eyes on the goal

Imagine yourself in that GOAL

You will never be disappointed once you reach the top

Before you do

Make a plan

Once you have it, stick to it




Go slower

Go faster

Work harder

Keep driving

Keep accelerating

Keep focused

Keep asking

Keep communicating

Both Hunting and the hunted have the same GOAL.


Do not stop until you SUCCEED.

Focus on what's important

Don't sweat the small stuff

Don't look back

Don't worry about things that are not worth worrying about

Don't magnify things that have no relevance or significance to real life

Don't look for error,

Don't make something out of nothing

Look at the POSITIVE


Once in a while

A - Asses

B - Balance

C - Change

With the same plan

SEEK and you shall find

ASK and you shall receive

KNOCK and the door will be opened




No one can ever stop you

No one can ever replace you

No matter the crisis

Pandemic or not

Maintain focus

Re-adjust quickly get back on track


Sometimes in life, to see the big picture you have to take a step back.

Only then can you see the elephant

Zoom in

Zoom out

Zoom out to see the big picture

Most times, the answer is staring right back at you

Amazing what you see when you take a step back.

Do you see the elephant now?

Once you do, you can act accordingly

Which one are you

Quitter ?

Winner ?

Don't pay attention to other people's views and opinions of you

The more they speak

The better you become

The faster you become

The stronger you become

Be yourself

Never change yourself to suit anyone

It's called living

Keep climbing to the TOP OF THE WORLD

Are you spiritually intact?

Do you Pray?

Do you fill and feed your spirit?

"Our Father

Who art in heaven

Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

Forgive us our trespasses

As we forgive those who trespass against us

Lead us not into temptation

Deliver us from evil

Thine is the kingdom

The power and the glory

Forever and ever


God answers prayer

God forgives sin

Repent from deep within your heart and soul

You will be set free

If ever you're in doubt, look up high in the sky

Pay attention to what nature is telling you

Nature obeys God, we can learn from Mother nature herself

If we search hard enough

If want to change bad enough

If you were about to give up and then you realized you have purpose

If you look up high enough

You will see, feel and know that God is with you

He will never leave or forsake you

God is still watching,

God is healing

Love your neighbour as you love yourself

If there was more LOVE in this world,

It would stop hate

It would stop war

It would stop killing

It would stop persecution

It would stop racism

It would stop sexual immorality

It would stop coarse joking

It would stop all kinds of human evil

It would stop the earth from bleeding

Less focus on yourself,

More focus on how we can heal the world

Let's focus on how we can turn this thing around and bring LOVE back to humanity

At the end of each day we must forgive our trespasses to receive forgiveness

Forgivenesses is an act of LOVE

It is through forgiveness that we heal ourselves

In this way we heal the world

It's not places

It's not things

It's not LIKES

It is:





It's TIME spent with them

It's being in each and every moment

Your life on this earth is like VAPOUR, here today, gone tomorrow


Good or Bad

We always get to CHOOSE

Never HURRY to make a choice

Always, always, always go with your natural "GUT INSTINCT"

The HOLY SPIRIT is the guide who resides within you

Listen to what the HOLY SPIRIT is telling you


Though we might be uncomfortable with it,

God knows what's best for us, as he knows us inside out

Once you are awakened to live, there is no stopping

Success comes when you cross the threshold of pain

Success comes from overcoming fear of not succeeding

Success is the result of many little tasks put together

Success is the outcome of constant perseverance


Unobstructed at living your life

Mental freedom comes from embracing commitment NOT running away from it

Our lives end when we become silent about things that matter

Freedom is oxygen to the soul


Remain engaged in a positive direction

Keep looking forward

Fast or slow

Forwards ever, backwards never

Give LOVE away

In giving it away, we receive LOVE

Make time with your partner to enjoy coffee and a slice of cake

Make time to talk

Make time to listen giving your undivided attention

Make time to escape into the great outdoors

Make time to truly enjoy the moment

Make time to talk, to listen

Find a way to forgive each other

Make time to exhale

It is in supporting each other

It is in doing things together

It is in compromising with each other

It is in doing the smallest of things shared together

It is through LOVE for each other that binds us together

M - Make

M - Memories

C - Constantly


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