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TIME. Good things come to those who wait. Do not wait to late.

Consistency is everything, not TIME.

You watch the clock, the clock does not move, nor does the clock watch you.

You blink and it is gone.









Just do it

Do it now

Whatever it takes

Anything is possible

Keep the faith

Practice makes perfect

Believe in yourself

It's never too late

Don't quit

The show must go on

Let's roll

Better late than never

Seize the day

Reach the for the stars

Be here now

No pain no gain

Know yourself

Count your blessings


Live to your fullest

Actions speak louder than words

Do or do not

Hunker down

Experience is the best teacher

Follow your dreams

I think therefore then I am

Follow your dreams

Hope springs eternal

This too shall pass

The best things in life are free

The buck stops here

Love conquers all

Attitude is everything

Live your dreams

Laughter is the best medicine

Do unto others as you would like them to do unto you

Necessity is the mother of all inventions

Hard work pays off

Roll with the punches

Begin with end in mind

Be all you can be

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams

Life is what you make it

A dream is a wish your heart makes

Where there is will there is way

Many hands make light work

Work smarter not harder

We must be the change we want to see

Don't ever give up

Every dog has its day

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number moments that take your breath away

If at first you don't succeed, try and try again

Live with passion

Whatever you are, be a good one

Happiness is choice

Do not wait too late

There no right time

There is no tomorrow

There is no past as it is gone

There is only now

Do not keep dreaming it

Think of all things you want to achieve

Today is the first day of the rest of your life

Do not go down the path that everybody else takes

Instead go down the path less travelled

Even though you are on the right track, you will get run over if you stay there

Make that list and place it where you will see it everyday

Begin your journey

Live as if you will die today

Happiness is a choice

Do not take life too serious

Step out and live

Stop being comfortable in the ease that you have set for yourself

Start living by doing something you have been meaning to do for yourself for so long

Start pulling some "G's" by stepping out of your comfort zone

Put one foot in front of the other, your body will follow. They call it walking.

We are all in the same gutter called life, just some of us choose to look at the stars

Keep looking up

Keep looking ahead

Keep being positive in action rather than words

Kids have the biggest clock

Adults have the smallest clock

God created the earth, the universe you and everything inside of it

When God was done, he took the clock with him

Man does not control time, God does

Look for God, not the clock

As a child you have all the time in the world ahead of you

As you grow, that clock shrinks proportionally, progressively getting further behind you

How you choose to live determines the rate of that proportionality

Careful with the choices you make

Mind your thoughts

Thoughts become things

Things become your character

Character determines your destiny

If you are still breathing, it is not too late

This is the real TICK TOCK, this clock


Be wise not to fall for modern deception, it is a slippery slope

The real Tick Tock is the clock of your life

Not Tik Tok

The devil is the king of deception looking for idle hands

The devil knows your weakness searching for an empty spirit

The devil uses your weakness as leverage

Every Tick

Every Tock

Do something constructive

Feed your spirit with spiritual food

You have to give to get

The only time you can touch is now, like a hand in a flowing stream

The same water cannot be touched twice

Damn the torpedoes, go full speed ahead in your life

It is not the size of the dog in the fight, it is the size of the fight in the dog

How big is your fighting power?

In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity

Manage your time carefully

Write things down, make a list

Be careful how you divide your time

Be careful in which company you choose to spend it

Manage each task as if your life depends on it

It is the small tasks that build your pyramid, one brick at a time

Consistency is the real tool to success

Dreams without goals are just dreams

Without passion will never start

Without consistency you will never finish

Denzel Washington

Winners never quit

Quitters never win

Fail big, fail forward

Ease is a bigger threat to progress

Hardship is a friend not a foe

A polished diamond undergoes a tremendous amount of consistent pressure

Do not let what you can't do interfere with you can do

Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional, your choice

Like sand through the hour glass, so are the days of our lives

From dust you were created, and to dust you will return

Only you can slow the rate of decrease of your life

Living fully in the now stretches your life, and increases your happiness

Shoot for the moon, if you miss, you will catch the stars

Your life is like a vapour, here for a brief moment, then it disappears

In this time do not do what you want, do what you need to do

Separate WANT and NEED

You watch the clock, time does not move

You stop watching the clock, time vanishes

You watch the clock, the clock does not watch you

Keep reminding yourself of the time, you will never have enough of it, so why check

God's time is the best time

Pay attention to people and the important things

Pay attention to everything around you

Stop looking over your shoulder

What will kill you comes from ahead of you

Stop looking down at your mobile telephone

Look up, fail forward

If you could turn back time, where would you freeze the clock?



Next week

I will get back to you

Maybe becomes tomorrow

Tomorrow becomes later

Later becomes never

Now or never

Your choice

Time versus money

Money comes and goes

Time only goes and cannot be touched ever again

Why worry about it, the past is the past

Push the button

Push it and keep your hand firm on it

Push until something happens

Pray consistently and you will see things happening for the good

You will begin to see the good in all things

You are your own worst enemy

You are captive to yourself in your mind, outgrow your mind not the other way around

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

Great works are gained not by great strength, but by great perseverance

Spread your wings and fly

Faith is knowing one of two things will happen

Faith is knowing there will be something solid to stand on, or you will fly

Take that step

Breakthrough comes in the 11th hour

Breakthrough comes upon opening door number seven, not the first six doors

It is never too late, it is only too late when you procrastinate

You only regret the chances you didn't take

Sods law, door seven is the one that opens, even then not fully, you have to kick it wide open

Stop listening to what everybody else says

Stop paying attention to what everybody thinks

They are not in your head, you are in your head

You are in their heads, not the other way around

If people are speaking about you, it actually means you are doing something right

Do you think they really care

Push the throttles forward and accelerate, so it turns up their volume

"All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us"

Tell your daddy you love him, even if he cannot tell you, before he's gone

Your mother

Your daughter

Your son

Your brother

Your sister

Your friend whom you have not heard from for ages

Make that call

Regret eats your bones like a hot knife through butter

Amends rather than regrets, pray, forgive and let it go

If they are gone already, talk to them as if they are still here, guess why, they still are

Pain must be understood

Pain is necessary

Pain is the greatest teacher

Without it there is no lesson

Pain is your invisible mother

Dying is easy

Living is the challenge

Live like there is no tomorrow

Unbottle your emotions

Let it out and peak

Unspoken words are taken to the grave

It is never too late, until they are gone for good

Happiness is a state of mind, create it in everything that you do

As difficult as it is, learn to smile

Everybody has a beautiful smile

Your smile is a blessing to someone else

A real smile matches the eyes

The hardest face to gauge is the neutral expression

The worst days are those with no laughter

You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him find it

Give a man a fish and he will starve, teach a man to fish and he will live forever

Left eye tears are tears of sadness, look out for them

It is an opportunity to heal a friend, a colleague, a partner

It will in heal you

Give, serve, it is by giving that we receive

Stop asking others questions, ask yourself those questions

Do not look at the mirror in the morning, because you will see what you want to see

Look at the mirror late at night, this way you will see the man that you have become

The man in the mirror is not the real man

The real man that you are is determined by the first three people you interact with everyday

Take account of these three interactions, they are the real mirror of your true character

"I'm looking at the man in the mirror, I'm asking him to change his ways, make that change"

Small inside adjustments inside of you for a great outward change

These two words seem so hard to say

I'm sorry

Forgive from the heart, then let it go, it will dwell in the past, and it will remain there forever

When you begin to find the real you, you begin to uncover the real you

Our greatest glory is not failing, it is the ability to rise after the fall

Do it with focus precision and purpose

Do not waste your time in the company negative people for more than three minutes

Do your best to make up that time by being three times more productive in that day

A bend or kink in the road is not the end of the road unless you fail to make the turn

I can, I cannot, either way you are right

Discipline and spirit will determine your strength

Believe in yourself, no one will believe in you until you get that right

Never quit or give up

The current moment is beautifully made, that is why it is called the PRESENT

You will become as small as your controlling desire

Set yourself free from it

Focus on your weakness

Turn this weakness into strength

Time spent with loved ones is precious, pay attention

You cannot go on saying the same things, can't you see, you've got everything going on

Everytime they go away, they will take a piece of you with them

Love cures people

Coming together is the beginning

Keeping together is progress

Working together is success

Like a train people will come and go in your life, only a handful will stay the journey

Fight and keep fighting

There are two things in life, one is that nothing is a miracle, the second is that everything is a miracle

Life is your miracle, use it before it's gone for good

Everything people say of you is jealousy

Invert that into the opposite, because that is what you really are

Self talk is necessary

You are beautiful

You are enough just the way you are

You were chosen to be on this earth, remember that

You are where you are where you are meant to be

Where you are is passing

If life gives you lemons make lemonade

Say the things you need to say, not the things you want to say

Talk about family because family is all that we got

We have come a long way from where we began

Build a bond, friendships and memories not things

Build relationships, families, mend broken homes partnerships, restore give love

Where there is life there is hope

Real knowledge is knowing what to speak and when to speak it

You cannot take back the words that you speak, type or share

Out of the depths of your heart the mouth speaks

True words come from the state of your spirit and soul, it is the spring of all words

Feed your spirit wisely

Your tongue is the smallest organ, yet it lights the biggest inextinguishable fires in the world

When you get to end of your rope tie a knot and hold

You underestimate the power of a hug

You underestimate the power of touch

You underestimate the power of kindness

You underestimate the power of wise words

You underestimate the power of your smile

You underestimate the power of listening

Your smile brightens the day, it breathes life into someone else's life

Smile and the whole world will smile with you

Dark faces are the brightest faces, they glow and light up

It is not enough having a good mind, the main thing is to use it well

It is far greater for others to discover your goodness through your action not your words

Wisdom is knowing what to do next

Experience is not what happens to a man, it is what a man does with what happens to him

You will either find a way or we will make one (Zimbabwean people are the best at this 🇿🇼)

What we see depends on what we look for

Life expands or shrinks in proportion to your courage

A ship in harbor is safe is a safe ship

Too many people are thinking about security not opportunity

Life is a series of the thoughts you chose to act upon

You cannot do kindness too soon, for you never know when too soon will be too late

Things do not change, we do

The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing

There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way

Love transcends all things, It chooses the path of least resistance

It is with heart that one can see, and what is essential is invisible to the eye

Change your thoughts, choose them wisely, they become your life

Your attitude determines your altitude

God does not make junk

Good things come to those who BELIEVE

Better things to those who are PATIENT

Best things to those who do not GIVE UP

Thank you Nunu

I LOVE you


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